Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Home Plate - A good place to start.

It has come to my attention I need to start blogging.  So, here I am.  I am sitting here kinda feeling like Carrie Bradshaw at this given moment - minus the kick ass wardrobe and blonde hair.  I am thinking most everyone's questions can be answered here; so long as I update it.

Today's dilema - work.  We have to work.  Whether or not we DO, that is a seperate issue.  I am blessed enough to have a stable job although, stable might not describe the "1st Base Umpire".  He is a bit, um, shall we say, unstable.  His calls are not really the best; but nonetheless we have to abide by them.  His recent decision to scare everyone really isn't going to help his situation.  But whatever.  To each his own.  I don't understand how a person can act that way toward fellow human beings, nevermind someone they are on the field of play with.  What I really need to tell the 1st base Ump is this - your calls suck and you need to have respect out here.  I can go play with a different league.  Just something to chew on.

As for me, Miss Fancy Pants, here is a brief synopsis of my story.  I am 32.  I have an amazing husband.  I have an even more amazing 6 year old little girl who lights up my world when its dark.  I am recently diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer and I am in the middle of kicking its ass.  I have had 2 treatments so far; 2 more of the bad ones left, I stand one hell of a good chance to beat it, I have 5 sisters, all older than I and my mom lives close to me.  My dad died when I was 17, I married a jerk the first time, I am working on finishing school, I work for a General Contractor building high end retail stores nationwide, currently, I have 1 boob and a buzzed head and lean to the right, both literally and politcally.  I have an awesome relationship with God, nothing and noone can change that.  I love to shoot, I love guns, I love being outdoors, I love traveling, I want to be on that show "Ammo & Attitude", I want to own a house, I want to own a BMW, I want to go to Ireland, I want to bungee jump.  I want to dance in the rain once and not worry about getting wet.  (which I have never done) I want my daughter to be in the Junion Olympics to understand her great ethic of hardwork pays off.  I have one hell of a work ethic.  I don't lie to you.  Once I am your friend, I will always be your friend and I will ALWAYS be there if you need anything.  I wear my emotions on my sleeve; both a blessing and a curse.

Looks like the 7th inning stretch is over - off I go to bat again.

PS - in case you are wondering where this name of the blog came from - you should know we all play the game of life.  My chosen game is baseball.  But you already knew that. 


  1. Congratulations on your first post. They say the first is the toughest, but I think the 11th is.

  2. Amanda, this is a wonderful outlet for you to express your feelings and share your thoughts with the rest of us, and its a great place for us (on the other side) to take a closer peek at you! We already know you're pretty amazing, but its nice to follow you on your spectacular journey through this thing we call "life". Keep it up...I have a blog too, but the hardest part is keeping it up-to-date! Love you lots sweetie! Pam Torres
